● 38 characters in total
(exact length of a domain name that contains
each of all characters recognized by the DNS only once).
● all 37 registrable characters [1 hyphen (-) / 10 digits (0-9) / 26 letters (a-z)]
● all 1 unregistrable characters [1 dot (.)], which exists at least once in each domain name
● only 1 hyphen ● each digit only once
● each letter only once (*which is possible thanks to the smartest new TLD .xyz)
● character division: 34.3 ● characters used: 1 hyphen / 1 dot / 10 digits / 26 letters
● all characters in correct order (closest to ASCII within the DNS)
● starts with 0 on the left (possible thanks to the DNS rules; ASCII alone would start with the hyphen)
and ends with z* on the right
consists of a selection of these 38 ASCII characters
which are ALL or the only characters recognized by the DNS
for the formation of domain names
● 1 of these 38 ASCII characters is the dot (.),
which - as mentioned above - does not belong to the registrable characters,
since its function is only to automatically appear in each domain name
as a punctuation mark between the different domain levels
Copyright © 2024 ● SH🔴RTEST domain name with ALL characters in CORRECT order ● THE ORIGINAL ● Registered on 01-01-2023 ● All Rights Reserved